Representing Students At University Misconduct Hearings
The University of Oklahoma is known for its excellence in the United States. As a large public university, they take student criminal charges seriously and will often take their own disciplinary measures through the student conduct process.
Aside from the legal consequences of committing a crime, the university may enact its own punishments through suspensions, expulsions and other sanctions. At Swain Law Group, our attorneys in Norman have years of experience helping college students and their parents navigate the University of Oklahoma’s student conduct process. We are dedicated to preserving the future you or your student have worked hard to achieve. You do not have to face the University of Oklahoma disciplinary process alone.
Understanding The Student Conduct Process
Whether you were arrested for a DUI or caught stealing, you will face an investigation from your university along with your criminal charges. At OU, students must follow the Student Code of Conduct. The student conduct process starts with an investigation after receiving an online complaint. After an investigation reported is complied, a Student Conduct Committee Hearing Panel will meet to discuss the investigation and hear both sides of the story. The committee is made up of a faculty member, staff member and a student. The hearing panel will then meet and discuss whether violation of the Student Code of Conduct occurred and will then determine appropriate penalties based off of school regulations.
Every student facing the student conduct process is allowed an adviser at their hearing. When you choose an attorney as your adviser, you must notify Student Conduct Education and Administration two days in advance so that the university may also retain an attorney if needed. As an adviser, our attorneys will support you throughout the process. Advisers cannot speak on behalf of a student, but we can suggest questions to ask and help you clarify your responses.
The potential sanctions vary depending on the crime or misconduct itself. A student may face a formal reprimand, probation, suspension and even expulsion from the university. These sanctions can significantly impact the rest of your academic and professional career. It is vital that you work with an attorney who understands the OU student conduct process.
Helping You Protect Your Future
Our attorneys at Swain Law Group will be by your side through every step of the student conduct process investigation and hearing. We understand how important these processes are and how seriously the university takes them. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation by calling 405-546-1292 or completing our online contact form.