You probably have a certain expectation of privacy when it comes to your medical care. You may even assume that what medications you are on is something that you can keep between you and your doctors. However, the government now has a way to peek in on what's...
Drug Charges
Many impacts come when a person is addicted to drugs
Drug abuse is a societal problem in this country that has shifted to a criminal action with the passage of laws outlawing substances that are classified as unsafe. While this was done to reduce the impact that these drugs have on society, little consideration was...
Drug abuse and alcoholism can lead to violent acts
It is a widely accepted fact that drug use can lead to some other criminal activities. Unfortunately, some of these are violent crimes. The correlation between violent behavior and drugs is one that has to be controlled or the person who is addicted to drugs will...
Cleveland County Drug Court reduces recidivism
People who are facing nonviolent drug charges in Cleveland County might be able to get the help they need for their addiction through the Drug Court program. This program was started in 2000 and is modeled after similar courts across the country. Participants must...
Know the factors that impact a drug possession charge
Drug possession charges are sometimes viewed as one of the lesser drug charges that a person can face. Unfortunately, this isn't doing anyone any favors because there are many impacts that these charges can have on a person that they might not realize. If you are...
Understand the seriousness of drug trafficking charges
Drug trafficking charges come with considerable prison sentences for people who are convicted. These are felony charges that can have several collateral consequences, including being branded a felon and losing some rights. This is a much more serious charge than a...
Strict standards exist for narcotic medications
When people hear about drug charges, they might automatically think of illegal drugs, but these aren't the only kinds of drugs that can lead to these criminal cases. In some cases, narcotics are the substances that are at the center of the matter. Narcotics, many of...
Behavior can impact the outcome of a traffic stop
Police officers patrolling the streets pull drivers over daily. You might not think that your behavior during the traffic stop has any part in what is going to happen during it, but that thought is just plain wrong. You have to be prepared to handle police...
Do you have a loved one negatively affected by fentanyl?
If you have a loved one with an addiction, his or her disease may have affected you more than you realize. You may have tried to control your loved one's behavior in efforts to make his or her life easier or healthier. You may have even enabled the addiction without...
Heroin: A serious problem in Oklahoma
Heroin addiction is a very serious matter that must be addressed quickly. The issue with it is that most addicts aren't willing to get help. Unfortunately, they might not be able to make this decision on their own if they face criminal charges. For one thing, they...