People who are facing nonviolent drug charges in Cleveland County might be able to get the help they need for their addiction through the Drug Court program. This program was started in 2000 and is modeled after similar courts across the country. Participants must meet strict requirements throughout the program.
The court oversees the program, but the participants work closely with the Central Oklahoma Community Mental Health Center. This enables them to address the drug addiction that is leading them into the court system. Not only do the people in the program get help with their addiction, but they also get help with setting goals and formulating lawful plans to reach those.
On top of substance abuse counselors, the program also utilizes behavioral health professionals, case managers, attorneys, law enforcement officers and psychiatrists. The judge oversees the team and makes determinations about what needs to happen next.
The milestones that are set for each participant must be met, or the person won’t be successful. Each builds on the previous ones to help the person stay away from drugs and from criminal activities. The success of drug court programs is well-documented; however, it partially rests on the ability of the participants to follow the rules and remain active in it.
If you are considering drug court as an option for your drug case, make sure you understand what this means. You need to be prepared to get off drugs and stay away from them. You also have to work toward living a productive life that includes gainful employment. If you think this is something you are prepared for, you can ask your defense attorney to find out if you are eligible.