Offering Comprehensive,Skilled Representation

Month: March 2018

DUI charges and court ordered treatment in Oklahoma

When DUI charges lead to conviction, judges in Oklahoma routinely order defendants to complete an alcohol education program. Many people see this as a hardship and perhaps an unfair consequence. After all, those convicted are already paying for their mistake, so why...

Stand your ground and duty to retreat in murder/homicide charges

With all of the escalating violence currently present in America, you may be relieved to know that Oklahoma is a "stand your ground" state. While this does not give you the power to use force arbitrarily, it does give you the right to defend yourself if you are in...

DUI charges are possible in Oklahoma even if are safely parked

Conscientious motorists know if they have had too much to drink and should not be operating a motor vehicle. Sometimes, you may not feel the full effects of alcohol until you are already on the road. People who care about their own safety and the safety of others...

Is blaming a doctor for my addiction a defense for drug charges?

Like other states, Oklahoma has a huge drug addiction problem. When addicts can no longer acquire drugs through a doctor, they often turn to illegal substances like heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine. Sometimes, addicts can also find a source from which to purchase...

When the state locks down your car ignition

Under penalty of DUI conviction in Oklahoma, you may still be able to operate a motor vehicle with certain restrictions. If you took a chemical test at the time of your arrest that registered your blood alcohol content level at .15 or higher, then the state requires...

