It depends. If you lean forward and brace your hands against the dashboard, you will likely cause more impact damage than you would have suffered in the first place. If you lean back in your chair in the correct seated position and tense your muscles, you have a...
Month: May 2022
2 reasons people need to sue to bounce back from a car wreck
Most people negatively affected by a car crash can turn to motor vehicle insurance for help. A smaller subset of those who have been in a car wreck will pursue a civil lawsuit against the driver who caused the crash. You may loathe the idea of going to court and...
Will you lose the house if you move out when you file for divorce?
Fear is often what keeps someone in an unhappy marriage. People with children worry about what the divorce would mean for the relationship with their children, while those who run a family business will worry about their main source of income. For many couples in...
How to spot a drowsy driver
To drive safely, you need to be alert at all times. You know this, and you’re always well-rested before hitting the road. Can the same be said for other drivers? Studies indicate that just under 100,000 crashes occur each year in the States because of drowsy drivers....