Many states have imposed a variety of laws in recent years largely decriminalizing the possession of recreational marijuana. This has resulted in many individuals receiving nothing more than a simple slap on the wrist and a fine for many small-scale drug offenses. Oklahoma continues to treat marijuana as an illicit drug. Individuals convicted of marijuana-related crimes face stiff penalties, even for simple possession offenses.
Individuals who are found in possession of any amount of marijuana may be charged with a misdemeanor for either their first or subsequent offenses here in Oklahoma. Any individual convicted of such a crime may be ordered to pay up to a $1,000 fine and be sentenced to up to a year in jail.
Anyone who is arrested for possessing marijuana-related drug paraphernalia may be charged with a misdemeanor for their first, second or third offense. Any defendant who is convicted of such a crime may be sentenced to up to a year in jail.
Defendants who are convicted of their first drug paraphernalia crime may be ordered to pay as much as $1,000 in fines. Individuals found guilty of their second offense may have a $5,000 fine imposed on them. Third-time offenders may have to pay up to $10,000 in fines if they’re convicted on drug paraphernalia charges.
Individuals convicted of marijuana-related crimes often don’t realize how their Oklahoma driver’s license will be suspended for between six months and three years at their sentencing. This penalty goes hand-in-hand with prison time, fines and a blemished permanent record.
The sale or distribution of marijuana is a felony offense. Individuals who are convicted of such a crime may be sentenced to anywhere from two years to life in prison. Convicts may have to pay as much as $500,000 in fines. There are aggravating circumstances that may lead to a defendant facing enhanced charges. Anyone who is convicted of such a crime may have to pay higher fines and spend more time in prison.
You owe it to yourself to consult with an attorney if you’re facing aggravated charges here in Oklahoma. Your lawyer here in Norman can give you sound legal advice in your very serious legal situation.