After it became possible for police officers to test motorists for alcohol intoxication, many drivers learned to think twice about drinking and driving. Because drunken driving can be dangerous, this improved public safety for every Oklahoma resident.
Marijuana impairment, on the other hand, still resides in a somewhat shadowy area between sobriety and intoxication. Many weed enthusiasts do not believe it is dangerous to ingest marijuana and get behind the wheel of a car. Regardless of your own beliefs, you should know that science and law enforcement are aggressively pursuing an accurate marijuana intoxication test. If and when this testing goal becomes viable, you can expect an increase in arrests on marijuana charges.
Currently, the only approved method of measuring the presence of marijuana in a person’s system occurs by way of a blood test. However, these tests are not reliable and often return different results in those who have consumed marijuana. For example, a person who has just consumed a large amount of marijuana may pass a blood test while another person who consumed the substance a month ago might fail the test.
In response to the absence of reliable testing, some companies are researching breath tests to indicate marijuana intoxication. While these tests are a long way off, weed users may still be arrested on marijuana charges if they smoke and drive. Many police departments across the country require officers to undergo training to help them identify marijuana intoxication.
As you might expect, it is possible to overcome marijuana charges based on a police officer’s estimation of a driver’s weed usage. However, the chances of beating these charges may diminish if the defendant fails to acquire legal representation so that his or her rights remain protected.
Source: National Public Radio, “Marijuana DUIs Are Still Too Subjective Say Cops. Why No Breath Test?,” Rae Ellen Bichell, accessed June 07, 2018