The two men were apparently friends with a common interest: heroin. This past summer, they got together a few miles northwest of Norman to get high. The next day, Yukon police officers got a call about an unresponsive man on a porch.
One of the two friends was dead. Now the other friend has been charged with second-degree murder.
Police said Brandon Schofield and Jeffrey Harper did heroin together at Harper’s house on July 5. The men fell asleep after taking the drug.
The next day, Harper awoke and got ready to go to work. He dragged his friend to the porch before he left. Police said Schofield was there without water, food or shade for more than six hours.
According to news reports, Harper has told officers that before he left for work, he told his friend to call for a ride. And when he returned home for lunch, he found his friend still there, asleep on the porch. He roused Schofield, who said he would get a ride.
When Harper returned after work, Schofield was still on the porch. This time, Harper called Schofield’s roommate to come and get him, but the roommate refused. Harper then reportedly made a Snapchat video of his friend, but minutes later called for medical help.
The Oklahoma State Medical Examiner’s Office said heroin toxicity and hyperthermia killed the Schofield. Police and prosecutors now blame his friend.
The stakes cannot really get higher than they are when homicide is charged. Before speaking to police or prosecutors, a suspect should sit down and talk to a criminal defense attorney experienced in defending rights and freedom.